Classy Capitalism 101

Who likes to make money off of other’s.. hanging? I do, I do! Check out this advertisement for a programmer to do a website on Saddam’s execution:

A friend of mine owns the domain

He would like to build a small website to host the execution video, some pictures, and some txt which we will provide. We also want to put google ads on the page.

This is a very simple and small project. Please provide quote.

Money sure does bring out the best in people.


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  1. thepoetryman says:

    Golly gee, Beave! What an upstanding idea! Hell! Why not put your own execution up? Make it live and you are bound to rake in the dough…for your family anyway.

  2. alec says:

    Haha, that’s an awesome idea. If I ever / when I do fail as a human being, I may have to try this out. YouTube execution, only $5 to watch (and $10 for live chatting!). Post-modern suicide machine.

  3. Hellow…

    I saw this really great post today….

  4. Hellow…

    I saw this really great showcase….

  5. Hellow…

    I saw this really great showcase….

  6. Hi…

    really good share…

  7. Hi…

    really good share…

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