The Mall Where White People Used to Shop

This may possibly be the greatest blog article I’ve read in a long, long time. He documents how a local mall, once populated by tight jeaned white sluts and overcaffeinated suburban soccer moms, is now infested by the gorillas-with-shoes crowd who take time off from getting abortions to steal from local retailers. Some choice bits (but read the whole thing, including the comments):

I don’t visit the Galleria too often because a) traffic over there is always so fucked up, and b) it’s not like I’m about to buy shit anyway. I do pass by it sometimes on the way to Borders, and in the past six months or so, I couldn’t help but notice packs of young black kids with backpacks crossing Brentwood, the street out in front of the Galleria.

Ruh roh.

Here’s the thing: they recently built an extension to Metro Link – the train system that connects some of the shittier parts of St. Louis to downtown – that stops right out in front of the Galleria. So obviously all of these kids are taking the train from the ghetto to the Galleria after school. I don’t know if they’re out there boosting, or looking for young girls to impregnate, but suffice it to say it’s not like they’re looking for shoes for a job interview.

Bryon Crawford, if you are reading this, or some of your readership, I want you over here. Immediately. (Especially this guy).

nigger folks become sick when they is around white people. if they have white blood in them they is more likey to get schizophrenia and weird mental problems and the biggest niggers serial killer have some white blood in them.

also, old, filthy nigger sluts going to the methadone clinic who are lesbians who want to eat white pussy are the most extreme hate-filled feminists and confrontational women out there and they like to punk out men and they shoot heroin to deal with their lesbianism and they also get niggas locked up for all sorts of sex crimes when the dirtbag nigga just wanted some pussy.

when they is done getting niggers locked up for crimes they go to white places for both drug tratment and feminist indoctrination which tells them men is why they is a skany drug addicted whore and they is also feminists who think every white man want a piece of their skanky methadone clinic pussy.


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  1. chris says:

    we have a nigger problem in the UK .they should be all sent back to that shithole in africa where they have spewed out from,
    the world would be a better place without them , can someone not boost the sickle cell virus up a bit, you know wipe them out, it is not onlu a US problem it is a worldwide problem

  2. Anonymous says:

    Obvious troll is obvious….

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