Does Lebron James Hate Queers?
Via Pandagon, the oddly grown up version of Lebron-bron, Bishop Harry Jackson, is rallying the forces of darkness (and by darkness, I mean literal armies of black Jesus-slaves) to rise up against the hate crime legislation that includes gay-bashing. Because, in his words, why do gays hate religious freedom:
Gay activists around the country are getting nervous that they are about to experience an embarrassing political setback. Instead of amending the hate crimes legislation that protects churches in a substantive way, they are simply crying out in a louder, more threatening manner. Gay advocates are not looking for fairness; they are looking for an upper hand.
…Both gays and blacks should get justice in America, but we cannot allow either group to receive special privileges at the expense of another group of Americans. If the loopholes in this legislation are not closed, Christians and Bible-teaching churches could become victims of a strange brand of reverse discrimination. These actions are tantamount to the gay community saying, “Freedom for me, but bondage for you.” This attitude is just not consistent with America’s ideals.
Watch out, black community! The overpowering hand of homosexuality is bearing down upon you again! Rise against the oppressor, so numerous Ludacris albums may rain down upon us!