Cool for a minute

The NYTimes has a great article on MisShapes, the venue responsible for this picture and these 2 seconds of fame. I love nothing better than a NYTimes interpretation of the fag world:

Don Hill’s is little more than a dingy bar, but that night it was packed with art world and music stars, as well as hundreds of fiendishly dressed young people who had adopted the MisShapes style of wearing a heavy curtain of jet-black hair.

And, let us not forget the faggy world of media gossip (roooooaaaawwwwwwww):

Fashion designers have long shown a vampire interest in the style and tastes of fringe groups, sucking them dry, and older houses, in particular, have depended on them for cachet with young fashion consumers. For the MisShapes, there is a danger they will lose credibility if they are seen as being in the pocket of big companies. Gawker, the media gossip site, has taken a number of swipes at the MisShapes, implying that a backlash is under way.

All in all, you can say that the world of New York revolves around the delusion of everyone’s importance. This includes socialites and the places they attend.


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