The Great Snack Food Gentrification
Nothing gets my blood pumping like the thought of artisanal bacon and quinoa-seasoned local popcorn.
Nothing gets my blood pumping like the thought of artisanal bacon and quinoa-seasoned local popcorn.
Free speech you protects you from bludgeoning courtesy of the federal government; it doesn’t protect you from losing your job due to ignorance.
OK, so this is basically a list of our favorite Matt Bors cartoons (check him out; he’s fantastic) with a few others sprinkled in for good measure. From the series of synthetic “scandals” (Benghazi, IRS, et al) to gun control flops to the federal government’s persistent, targeted abuse of power via NSA practices, political cartoonists have whittled complex issues down into single frames without sacrificing any of their meaning. Here are some of 2013’s best.
People couldn’t handle Jesus for too long, either.
No laws. No oppressive government yoke. No hospitals, social services or system of property, either. Says one Somali driver in Mogadishu, “Your car is your car until it is stolen. That is the law in this country.” Perfect, right?