The Internet’s Best Right-Wing Conspiracies

Right Wing Conspiracy

Sure, it’s hard for radical Republicans (redundant?) to believe in silly things like global warming and contraception, but as the following images suggest they aren’t turned off by the magical complexities of Photoshop. Please, don’t bill us for your inevitable Zoloft prescriptions.

Right Wing Conspiracies OWS

Right Wing Conspiracies Obamacare Tax

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Obama: Traditional America’s Grim Reaper

Death Of Traditional America

Nota Bene: the next time you hear a Bill O’Reilly-esque figure bemoaning the death of traditional America, realize that “traditional” is in this case synonymous with “white, wealthy, land-owning male-led”.

Source: Daily KOS


Understanding The Patriot Act

Patriot Act Surveillance Infographic

For those of you who have somehow missed the memo, here’s why the Patriot Act is important to you and why you, as an American supposedly living without a Big Brother figure, should be outraged.


Unraveling The Mystery Of Why The GOP Lost

Why GOP Lost

Denial is the first step to recovering from an ideological addiction. We’ll see you in four years, GOP. Try and sober up.


Science As Written By The GOP

GOP Book Of Science

Global warming and evolution? Farce. Noah’s ark? Sounds legit.


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