Lazy People

Lazy People

The 113th Congress is the least productive Congress in history. And yet, they don’t advocate for cutting their own safety nets. Shocking.


Not All Man, Saving Vulnerable Men From Man Haters

Man Signal

Not All Men

Devils Advocate

Let’s face it: these days, even white guys are allowed to be criticized.


The Real Leaders Of The United States


This is assuming that in 100 years, the world will even look like a remotely inviting place to extraterrestrials.


How The Rich Say They Get Rich Vs. How They Really Get Rich

Rich Get Rich

It’s always helpful to provide the illusion that hard work makes you less of a pawn to the game.


Don’t Worry Guys, The Internet Is Still Neutral

Net Neutrality

That is, of course, if you consider “neutral” to mean making the playing field uneven but still letting both sides play the game.


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